Sunday, October 5, 2014

1000% approved dinner

I decided that I was going to experiment in order to get my girls to eat more vegetables. I took some low-fat croissant rolls and some boiled chicken pieces.  I threw in a little bit of cheese.  I know it looks like a lot but I promise it was just a small piece.  I finally added some spinach leaves hoping the green would be disguised.  I rolled them all up together and baked at 350 for about 15 minutes.  

Once they cooled, my daughters couldn't get enough of them! They were delicious and easy!  My oldest daughter ate 2 and asked that we have them for lunch the next day.  She declared that they were 1000% approved.  I think I have a winner! 

Monday, September 29, 2014

July/ August 2014

So going with the theme of our lives, this summer was a whirlwind.  I changed to a new school as did both of my girls.  It has been a wonderful change.  We truly miss where we left but feel like we are settled into a place that is right.  I am realizing daily how resilient and steadfast our girls are. Neither had a problem changing schools.  I had more anxiety about switching then both of them combined ever could dream of.  They walk into their schools like they own them.

We headed on a trip a few weeks back up to the Texas Hill Country.  Both girls were able to climb to the top of Enchanted Rock like it was a mere hill! K even went through a cave with her dad.  Even in the midst of being stuck literally in a tight spot, they slid blindly down a muddy slope in hopes of emerging victors.  No least from the 6 year old :)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ok, I get's been a while

So, we have had a while since we talked.  We have been busy.  In fact, just now, I tried to start this post while watching a pre-recorded movie, listening to a oil class online, waiting for the kids to fall asleep, and having an adult beverage.  Just so you know, that does not work well.  I had to cut out a few things.  Kelsey and Cadie have changed so much since my last post.  Cadie is 3 and Kelsey is 6.  Kels just finished Kinder....wait did I just say that? I like to say that they are the best of friends at times and the worst of enemies at other times.  It is like each knows the buttons of the other.  Kels can not stand to be told multiple times the same thing and yet Cadence just seems to push that button hourly!  Cadie is my favorite morning girl! She has gotten into the routine of coming into our room at 5:30 (in the summer.....) and crawl into bed with us.  She insist on sharing my pillow because her dad's isn't good enough.  Every time I crack an eye open while pretending to sleep, there she is, smiling away! She is definitely a morning child.  Even if I wake up, she tends to be smiling and full of joy no matter what! She screams bloody murder in the evenings but mornings....she is great. I have been doing a Women's  Bible study online with some college friends lately.   The topic is primarily "Joy".  When I think of Joy daily, it is Cadie waking up! How funny is that? It is our main time together just us.  Now later on during the day....not so much! :)