Saturday, June 13, 2009

A pure sense of Adventure!

Ok, so now that Kelsey is over 18 months we have decided to really try to start potty training. All you moms out there please send helpful words and ideas! We have been slowly getting her used to the idea for the past few months. I realized when I woke up to her handing me her diaper that we may be ready....By the way...not a good way to wake up in the morning! At least is was just wet not anything worse. And no there have been no paintings of poop on the walls of her crib...yes I have heard horror stories from friends and family. I'll keep you posted on how things go with this. We are trying a few methods including the M&Ms method from Kelsey's Nannie. Say some extra prayers for us!

It just amazes me how Kelsey has no fear of most things. A dog could be barking in her face and she wants to hug him. She always is so assured that someone will catch her if she falls or be there to comfort if she gets hurt. Doesn't that make you want to have that kind of assurance all the time? I mean, she is just so trusting..I guess that is child-like innocence. She now is into swimming. She has a small lifevest that is just a front floaty and 2 arm bands. Once that is on she just jumps in without a care in the world! She is swimming around kicking her feet. She started spinning on her own in the pool and floating on her back a week ago! She definitely is a water baby! It just amazes me that there is no fear and just a sense of pure adventure! Wouldn't we all like to say that is our mantra? We wake up everyday with a sense of pure adventure and ready to attack the new day!

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I want that freedom as my mantra. I am intent on growing younger in spirit, mind and body each day. We learn this from children. I don't know when we forget to be children. But then, we have the opportunity to get it back. Let her teach you. You will remember your true self. You are like her too.
